Palo Alto High School's News and Features Publication

Verde Magazine

Verde Magazine

Verde Magazine

ASB Answers: With ASB President Pooja Akella


Does ASB have any special events coming up?

ASB just finished up with Club Day … and Quadside Lands and we’ve loved the student involvement on the Quad. [Class officers] are working on projects including revising the Advisory curriculum, an anti-Juul campain, and Tea with Teachers.

Are there any changes to Spirit Week this year?

Our spirit commissioners are introducing some new games to the list so I don’t want to ruin that surprise, but I am definitely excited for the relay on Friday.

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What are your goals for ASB and the Paly student body this year?

I hope to increase ASB and student involvement in school board and Site Council issues. I also hope to educate students on what ASB does through town halls and our upcoming vlogs.

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