“It is a reminder that no matter what dis- comfort you’re feeling, it’s a temporary feeling. … Life is just full of those occasional really uncomfort- able moments and this tattoo is a reminder that it’s a temporary situation and through this discomfort, you’re going to grow.”
— Kenna Gallagher, teacher |
Photo illustration: Kyle Park |
“The name is my sister’s name and we’re really close in age and we grew up together and I always like to play with unicorns and My Little Ponies. And she has my name there. So she got my name for my birthday and I got her name for her birthday. It was our gift to each other.” Story continues below advertisement — Tara Vereyken, teacher |
Photo illustration: Kyle Park |
“The dance that this came from is Comrad in the 2017-18 session. … It was my first time choreographing something that I really really loved. This is part of the dance, the middle of the dance, that I traced.”
— Alanna Williamson, teacher |
Photo illustration: Kyle Park |
Teacher Tattoo Tour
Allegra West
May 30, 2022