There is another way to clean out your junk drawer: earrings! Instead of random items, what you’re seeing are earrings, or rather, things that have the potential to become earrings.
You’re going to need some other materials, like flat earring posts or earring hooks, super glue and nose pliers.

Silly Bandz
For those pesky Silly Bandz you collected at age nine, simply stick a centimeter long wire through them and coil one end. Do the same for another band and your set is complete.
Doll limbs
Take out your anger on those ratty, plastic dolls back by separating the limbs using whatever means possible. Then, neatly glue an earring post to each limb and another pair of earrings is complete.
Find something small and with a flat surface, whether that be Legos, buttons, or cardboard, and glue it onto an earring post.