Palo Alto High School's News and Features Publication

Verde Magazine

Verde Magazine

Verde Magazine

City plans for ‘Third Wave Experiment’ event

An evening program discussing the ‘Third Wave’ experiment and its tie to current topics will be held March 22 at the Cubberley Community Center auditorium.

According to event organizer Nancy Peterse, the event will feature a screening of the film “Lesson Plan,” a documentary created by Jones’ students Mark Hancock and Philip Neel featuring interviews with Third Wave students. A discussion lead by Hancock, Jones and Neel will examine how current politics relate to the experiement, along with the role of education and journalism in democratic society. The program will end with an open mic for people to talk about freedom and social justice.

In April 1967, Ron Jones conducted an experiment on his Cubberly High School class called ‘The Third Wave,’ which Verde covered in its first issue of the school year, to demonstrate fascism and Hitler’s rise to power. Jones proved that charismatic leaders have the ability to gain full control instilling fear in people and targeting certain groups.

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