The Art Spectrum class at Palo Alto High School is slated to split into two different classes next year, making some students upset about the lack of a general art class.
Starting next school year, the class will split into Art Spectrum, focusing on 3D art, and Art Spectrum: Digital Art Emphasis, focusing on 2D art. Each of the classes will be prerequisites for advanced art classes at Paly, and are available to all students.
“I think opening a pathway for drawing and painting, and sculpture allows kids the freedom to choose the things that they want to do early on and focus on that,” said art teacher Mike Da Ponte.
Some students feel the decision will remove students’ ability to try out all the art forms offered.
“By splitting [Art Spectrum] in half, you’re making people who would have just picked one class completely unable to discover this thing that could have made them really happy,” sophomore Geneva Gadda said.